

I am exactly where I need to be...  We all have moments in life that one might think are mere coincidences. Certain remarkable random occurrences that can't be explained except it was just "a coincidence" or just happened by "chance." But are they really coincidences? Or is it something more than that?  With the reflection of my own life, I doubt things happen out of random occurrences or just because. I think our lives are shaped and molded by the choices made by others and ourselves. Regardless of the results from these choices made, I do believe everything eventually works out and is being orchestrated by an unseen force. Let's say you have a belief in a higher power, God or energy of the universe, or whatever that may be. No matter what that belief is; I ask that you reflect on the coincidences in your life and ask yourself: Did this REALLY happen by chance?  Albert Einstein says, "Coincidences is God's way of r...


Some of you may not know who this man is. And you know, at one point in my life I didn't know who he was either. I was a young teenager when I first met this man in person. It seems so long ago, but I remember the experience as though it was yesterday. It was the first Friday in April, and the sun was definitely shining this spring afternoon. I remember the bloom of beautiful flowers and the smell of freshness that engulfed the air. We were there that weekend to attend General Conference, where members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can listen to men and women leaders of the church. These conferences, everyone can gain some inspiration and direction on life. Things like how to bring more joy into our lives, becoming better in what we're already good at, or how to improve areas we need to be better at, and how to overcome adversity and the tough things that life throws at us. Most importantly, to know how much we are loved by Jesus Christ and by le...


Being vulnerable and authentic is difficult for me. It's like stepping out onto the ledge of a cliff, feeling exposed, and one small slip could be disastrous. I want to be the person who people like, trying to fit in and be accepted, I don't want to show any of my weakness because I'm afraid that you will think differently of me, and showing up as me has the potential where I will feel judged or even hurt. Being vulnerable is difficult.  I hope I gain some courage to be happy with being real of who I am and allowing my feelings and opinions matter. I am aware that I am enough and that the perceptions of others is a reflection of them and not of me. But you see, I know this, I consciously know this. I struggle with this often; it's not something I'm proud of, in fact, I wish that I can be straight up with my feelings and say what's on my mind and what I'm feeling. The fear of hurting others over my feelings is a tight rope of being liked or being me. I...


You know the saying: 'You were at the right place at the right time.' What does that really mean? What I find interesting is that we give "luck" too much credit for the amazing things that happen in our lives. Luck is described as a purposeless, unpredictable, and uncontrollable force that shapes events favorable for an individual. Wait a moment - a force of chance, accident, a possibility, fluke? So, basically, the amazing things that happen in our lives are being credited to a force that is so incidental that it just happens. I think not! I find that difficult to believe, especially when a moment begins to unfold into something extraordinary beyond our imagination. Life becomes better, and from that moment on, we are on a path that leads to something incredible. That to me is more than luck or coincidence but what I like to attribute to the forces of divine design . Issac Newton describes 'force' as a "push or pulls upon an object r...


These little occurrences where the hand of the divine is present, and evidence of blessings are manifested all started even before I was born.  In a small remote town of Sapang Palay located in the province of Bulacan in Central Luzon, Philippines was a woman who was eight months pregnant.  As an expecting mother, she had a lot of concerns like a new mother would have. How would she raise, nurture, and provide for this new human coming into the world? With those uncertainties, she was willing to do whatever it took to make sure she had the best life for her child. Living in the Philippines during 1983 was a tough time economically. At that time, the poverty level was nearly 60 percent throughout the country, and one would make less than one US dollar even from a full day of work. The father of the baby, Leo Bueno,  was working construction and trying his best to meet the needs of his new growing family. However, he started to get the effects of what seemed to...